
We took ClosedAI and opened it again.
We offer API services to anyone to enhance your AI capabilities.

GPT Summarization

GPT models can be adapted for specific tasks, which has the advnatage of keeping the model size compact. The summarization endpoint provides abstract text summarizations. Further, it allows for specification of a rough amount of output sentences.

DALL-E Bird images from text

DALL-E models make it possible to generate new images from text input. Rather than a general model, we take the approach of building domain-specific DALL-E models. This has the advantage of having smaller models with stronger generation capabilities in one narrow domain. Contact us for a custom model.

GPT Text Generation

The raw GPT model, which continues text based on an input prompt. Its generic form, makes it suitable for simple tasks such as question answering or story generation. Taking the general model and distilling it down to a specific task can make for an even more valuable asset. Feel free to reach out to us for such tasks.

Stay in touch

Fill in the form below to join our irregular mailing list & stay updated on our progress in opening up AI. If you are interested in a custom model with high quality in a specific domain, feel free to send us an email. Anybody who would like to join or support us in building scalable APIs, do not hesitate to reach out via email.